Rats can not only be annoying, dirty and scary, they could also damage property and contaminate human and animal food. Rats are destructive and responsible for transmis-sion of many diseases. If you spot a rat in your house or business it’s time to call a profes-sional expert.
Rats gain entry into a house though doors, vents and other accessible openings. A rat infes-tation could be identified if you see a dead rat or a live rat in your premises. Rats prefer to stay away from humans and if you spot a live rat, chances are there is a large population al-ready present. During the rat’s lifetime its teeth grow and they tend to chew on hard materi-als which can result in ripped electric wires, pipes etc leading to collateral damage to your house.
Our technician will inspect interior and exterior of your property, including crawl spaces, walls, closets looking for rat droppings, visible trail, rub marks, burrows, nests or any rat damage to your property. Scrapping noise within walls also indicate presence of rats.
After the inspection is completed, the technician will present to you their findings and how you could eliminate these using rat pest control. We use various methods of rat control ser-vice which includes bait stations, rat glue traps, rat cages etc.
Ensure that your business or home does not offer anything that mice and rats need to sustain themselves such as food, water, and shelter.
Rodents have huge front teeth which help them gnaw on things. They chew on anything available, resulting in significant loss and damage to the property. They are fast breeders, some species breed all through the year, constantly increasing their population.
They can easily fit into the smallest of holes and cracks, hence one needs to ensure there are no holes or cracks in the premise, where they can enter and make their home.
All such holes should be covered up to prevent the entry and re-entry of rodents. A rodent pest control services company can help you in handling the rodent menace.
PCCS preaches and practices the policy “Prevention is better than Cure” and “Pest control should start from the source of Infestation”.
It is always the best option to prevent pests to the best extent possible, then controlling them after attack. Therefore, we recommend you to do rodent proofing by closing / sealing off the rodent entry points in to the building. Rodent Proofing can be done before the pest control services are started or alongside the services. We shall be advising and guiding the customer for the said work.
As part of the aforesaid consultancy on rodent proofing, we shall be conducting surveys to explore and identify the rodent entry points. Such surveys shall be conducted on monthly basis during the first Six months of the contract, and thereafter bimonthly for the next six months of the contract.
The surveys shall be led by either by a person in the managerial cadre or executive cadre in the operations team of PCCS. After the period of initial 9 months of the contract, the surveys shall be conducted once in a quarter or as the situation demands.
Considering, where the property is located it is prone to have rodent infestation, and therefore we shall be implementing rodent control by the Three Lines of Defense, if feasible. The three steps to control rodents. A brief on the three steps are as follows:
Eco Friendly chemical spraying service to control crawling and flying insects in-side the built-up areas in addition to the above, we would recommend to extend your support on the following: